For a Limited Time, 20% off MSRP of all New Inventory
New: Many Limited Edition, and Elite Dealer Only models available
Essex Gold Ltd Edition Sporting 12ga 32” $9,620 $7,696
Maxum Gold Ltd Edition Field 28ga 30" $10,810 $8,648
Maxum Gold Ltd Edition Sporting 20ga 32” $10,810 $8,648
Magnus Limited Edition Sporting a/c, chc, 12ga 32” $8,385 $6,708
Magnus Limited Edition Sporting a/c, chc, 12ga 30” $8385 $6,708
Ellipse Ltd Edition Gold Field Prince of Wales 28ga 30” $9,350 $7,480
Ellipse EVO Field P.O.W. 28ga28” $8,995 $7,164
Invictus 1 Limited Sporting 12ga 30” $8,995 $7,196
Summit Sporting Combo 20/28ga32” $8,400 $6,720
Summit Trap Combo 12ga 32 & 34” $11,235 $8,988
Summit Sporting 12ga 28” $4,995 $3,996
Syren Julia Limited Edition 12ga 30” $7,615 $6,092
Syren Tempio Field 20ga 28” Prince of Wales $5,495 $4,396
Syren Elos D2 Field 20ga 28” $3,575 $2,860
Syren Elos N2 Sporting 12ga 32” $3,550 $2,840
Syren Elos N2 Sporting 12ga 30” $3,550 $2,840
Syren L4S Sporting 12ga 28” $2,425 $1,940
New Fabarm
Autumn SxS 20ga 30” Pistol Stock $4,995 $3,996
Autumn SxS 20ga 30” English Sock $4,995 $3,996
Elos Lonestar 12ga 30” $3,770 $3,016
Elos N2 Sporting 12ga 30” $3,550 $2,840
Velocity Sporter FR 12ga 32” $2,750 $2,200
90TSS Sporting 12ga 30" $2,099 $1,679
90TSS Sporting. 12ga. 32" $2,099. $1,679
Century 111 Trap $1,699 $1,359
IS300 12ga 30" $650 $520 Sold
IS300 12ga 26" $650 $520
Other New Shotguns
Heart Custom .20 Swift Bolt Call
Rizzini BR320 20ga 32”upgraded wood $3,450 $2,760
Browning Superposed 20ga 28 exc. cond $2,500
Summit Impact TypeS 12ga28” tubes set $3,600
Invictus Ascent 112ga30” Graco recoil stock $5500 Sold
Maxum Impact 12ga 30” exc condition $6.999
Krieghoff M32 12ga 28" w/tubes Call
Perazzi Mirage12ga29”spcl sptg chokes Call
Perazzi MT6 12ga Briley Tubes Call
Browning Lightning Superposed 20ga 28” skeet chokes w/full set tubes in Browning case $2,999
Krieghoff K32 12ga28” tube set $2,500
Robert Hart & Sons Browning 78 22-250 SA Bench Rifle Call
Left Hand: (new)
Caesar Guerini Summit Sptg. 12g 32” $5,785 $4,628
Fabarm L4S Black Hunter LH 12g 28” $1,650 $1,320
Fabarm Initial Hunter LH 12g 28” $1,900 $1,520
Caesar Guerini Magnus Ltd Ed. 12g 32” $8,385 $6,708
Caesar Guerini Magnus Ltd Edition 12g 30” $8,385 $6,708
(Pre-owned) Left Hand Summit 28g 32” choked tubes $2,999
25% off all new cases- Americase, Negrini, Bf 25% off all BBls and Tubes in cases
Offers for purchase of entire inventory being considered
(602) 943-8595 -
by Appointment Only
Fine Shotguns Since 1965
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